Well week one went well all things considered with a loss of 9lb. Yay! 55lb to go. Still a long way but wowee what a start. I am thrilled beyond belief and totally buzzed for the coming weeks. You all know I love a challenge so the plan is to keep my goals quite small. The first one is a stone off (preferably two!) by my birthday in April. That said I've had two nights out since I weighed on Friday so maybe a stay the same would be quite the victory this week. ;-)
Of course the main thing with this diet is that I am only technically dieting 2 or maybe 3 days a week. Those days are pretty hard going but actually each one I do gets easier and I have picked up some tips for coping on 500 calories. First, drink buckets of water to keep you full. Second, avoid sugar or sweeteners where possible because it makes you hungrier. Third, plan carefully. I usually wait until lunchtime and then graze on some pickles or maybe a bowl of soup. I certainly don't consume more than 100 cals before my dinner and then I am left with 400 glorious calories to spend on dinner.
Tonight we had "Onion in the hole" - yep, you guessed it, Toad in the Hole with no toad. We have Save with Jamie to thank for this recipe, which I must say surprised me. For 273 calories I got roasted sweet red onions, crispy fluffy Yorkshire pud and sweet sticky red onion gravy! For an extra 60 ish I added fine green beans, boiled for 6 minutes until just tender and then tossed in a drizzle of garlic oil, salt and pepper. I must admit that Richy would have liked some creamy mash but I didn't and I didn't miss the usual sausages either. Dare I say I preferred this? All I know is that I am full and warm on this cold winter day and for less than 350 cals. I'm looking forward to a good feed tomorrow though.
Hopefully I can make it to the weekend relatively unscathed. Fast day anyone?

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