Friday went well. I was good during the day - I had olives instead of crisps and chocolate on the train. I was even quite good at night, munching on a delicious free curry with rice which Cat had very sweetly made with my diet in mind. I had a good amount of wine, but I fully intended to enjoy myself this weekend. Being careful all the time is great in theory but if this is to work long term then I need to be flexible with it, and I haven't even got half way yet.
Saturday was more challenging - I started with a cereal bar, then had a club sandwich with tea and cake at the famous Betty's Tea Room in Harrogate. We then mooched about the shops before heading back to Cat's house to get our glam on for going out. We went to The Fence and had a tremendous meal - I started with wild mushroom risotto, moved onto a trio of fish and finished with a shared cheeseboard. And more wine. Back to the house we sank a few gins and a few French martinis before sloping off to bed at 1.30 having giggled a lot, drunk a lot, and taken a lot of photos. I recently came across a photo of me with Ruth and Cat at my hen night in 2003 - I have no idea what I weighed then but I made sure we got another photo of the 3 of us for exactly this purpose. We all look totally different, but my massive face is the standout feature for me.
I am 100% back on plan today. My dinner is made and is at home in the fridge, and I bought a feta salad (A choice for the day) to eat on the train, skipping the dressing to keep it syn free. Although I have totally been off plan, it's all fresh again this morning. I am praying for a little half pound this week to claim my 4st award and I hope I can do it. I got a massive boost because it is 2 months since I saw Ruth but I haven't seem Cat since I started this - I was thrilled at their reaction to my weightloss. Hopefully by the time I see Ruth again I will be celebrating my 5.5st award, assuming it all goes to plan anyway. Plus my current favourite top for going out is suddenly absolutely massive on me. I suppose that means more shopping? It's a hard life.
Anyway, I'm sure you are all desperate to know if the pink top I spoke about a few weeks ago fits and came with me: the answer is it didn't come with me but it does fit. It's button through so it had to be perfect though, nobody likes stretched buttons!
There. Bet you feel better now.

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